Our Services

What we Do Best


We help the “Do everything myself” business owner escape the self imposed shackles of running their own business. We create Freedom, Profit & Impact in their business!


What We Do

At STS our expertise lies in combining both the strategic and the tactical. We’re able to deliver immediate, problem solving results (tactical), along with strategic, long term implementation of systemization and scalability.  Speed to Results is a matter of TIME COMPRESSION. STS will save you ten years of struggle, costly mistakes, poor decisions, heartache and quite possibly, complete business failure. 


Prepared for managed and controlled growth to your desired outcome.


Maximize your profit pools, eliminate waste and create the margins for your product or service you never thought possible.


Imagine your business running without you. Everyone on the team knows specifically what to do and how to do it. sound impossible? We make it happen for businesses every day.


Eliminate those business roadblocks that seem to constantly pop up in your business for good.  


Create balance beyond your business in the five F’s Faith, Family, Finances, Fitness & Friendships


Try Our Trademarked Process

the ultimate assessment

Our Sharpening Assessment will enable you to determine exactly where your business is RIGHT NOW in the four areas of potential – Performance, Systemization, Strategy & Scalability.

Roadmap planning

We then prioritize the 12 areas of your business with you to create the roadmap to systemization and success.

Execute & Monitor

We then get to work guiding and helping you to create Freedom, Profit & Impact in your business. You’ll watch your business transform before your very eyes to become what you’ve always known it could be. 


Business Transformation and Changed Lives

I started a custom woodworking business 8 years ago specializing in bathroom vanities. A year and a half ago we had maxed out our 2000 square foot shop I had built at home and needed to expand. I quite honestly didn’t know anything about business. We were just blessed by God and work kept coming in. I knew in order to grow I would need some professional help. At this same time I began working with Richard and Sharpen the Spear Coaching. 


We laid out a growth plan, found the right building, and expanded to four times my current size. The hurdles and uphill climbs throughout the entire process was incredibly difficult. We got through it together, solving immediate problems and developing strategy to sustain and grow the business. I’m finally, after 8 years, off the saws and spending my time working ON my business instead of being stuck IN it every day. 


There’s more to do as with any business, but I’ve been able to take two vacations this year with my wife and two children which is something we haven’t been able to do for the last 8 years. God continues to bring me the right people and customers along with the joy of doing what I love to do.


I could have never done this without the help from STS. Even asking a simple question over Voxer and getting a rapid answer literally would change my day and prevent catastrophic mistakes. The best part is they teach you how to do something, not just do it for you which is tremendous for building your confidence as a business owner.

As Richard says “Outside eyes are of indisputable value” and that’s what Sharpen the Spear Coaching is…Indisputable value!


  • Chad Thomas

            Limitless Woodworking – IN.

When I hired Richard and Shapen the Spear Coaching, I was apprehensive to say the least.  Scroll down through your social media account and everyone thinks that they are a paid coach.  Yet most of them shouldn’t be.  When we scheduled our first meeting over the phone, I liked what he said and could tell that he had actually built a business- something most of these coaches haven’t done.  But I still told him no.  A few weeks later, I changed my mind.  And I’m glad I did.


Richard and STS are definitely qualified to call themselves  a “business coach.”  They have actually built businesses.  They’re very helpful. They find out what you need so that your time and money are spent helping you where you need it.  They truly care about you succeeding.  Sharpen the Spear is the real deal.  If you are thinking about coaching, you should contact them.  Even if you aren’t thinking about having a business coach, you should contact them.  It might be the best business decision that you make!

Esta Ryder.  – Ryder Realty – OH.

Our family has been building custom homes in the hill country of Texas for over 40 years. I stepped in four years ago from my teaching job to carry on the family business as my father prepared to retire. I had a lot to learn and the first two years I learned a lot. I also came to realize there was a lot more to learn and I wasn’t going to be able to do that on my own. 


As in so many businesses that have been around for a long time we get comfortable doing things the way we’ve always done them. For me this way was riddled with chaos and lack of structure. There were constant problems and clients that needed to be taken care of. I knew there had to be a better way to serve our clients without having to be available 24/7. After I hired Richard, not only did I learn new and better things I began to regain my time, which to me is the most precious thing, as my wife and I raise our young children.


Not only did we begin to systemize the entire business, we fine tuned our estimating and sales process which has made assisting our clients to build their dream homes a world class experience. It’s also given me the opportunity to acquire an additional business in a related field. That is something I never thought I would have the time or knowledge to do. 


I’m so thankful that Sharpen the Spear has taught me how to systemize and develop strategy in my business. I’m now able to look at undervalued, struggling businesses I’m interested in purchasing, see what they lack, and know that I can confidently instill these systems and principles in a short amount of time to create profitability.


It’s been a fantastic relationship over the last few years with Richard and Sharpen the Spear Coaching. I now consider Richard as part of my inner circle and the value and wisdom he shares means the world to me.


  • Craig Lenard

            Art Lenard and Sons – Finely crafted homes – TX.

From Our Founder – Richard walsh

YOU Can Do This!

Business is full of successes and failures. No one wants to fail and failure is not the issue, it’s what you do with that failure that matters. If we can’t learn from our mistakes we’re doomed to repeat them. In my 30 years of owning businesses I found my number one mistake was never asking for help early enough. My ego and pride kept me from accelerating my business and reaching even higher levels of success. 


Time compression is the secret to making a massive impact with your business. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel or blaze a new trail. You need to follow those that have been there. You need expert coaching and a road map to keep you focused and on course to your goals. 


I use my 30 years of experience and share it with you to save you a decade of struggle and heart ache.  True success doesn’t only happen on one level. Success is your whole being, it’s what drives you every day. It’s more than money or things, it’s inner peace, freedom, giving back and helping others. It’s how you Escape the Owner Prison.


I believe in high accountability and big goals. I believe in imperfect action and measured risk taking. I believe in delivering value above and beyond all expectations. We are all filled with greatness, it just needs to be tapped into and extracted. Your business is a direct reflection of you. When I draw the best out of you, your business will exceed your greatest expectations.