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Sharpen the Spear Coaching

The Movement helping 10,000 business owners create Freedom, Profit & Impact in their business

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Don’t Settle For Less

Do you and your business suffer from any of these worries…

  1. Not having enough business/leads
  2. Always chasing money (receivables)
  3. Nothing gets done without you
  4. What’s at the end / no exit strategy
  5. Making payroll
  6. Paying yourself (especially what you’re worth and paid first)
  7. Paying overhead / increasing debt
  8. Difficulty Managing people/ having the wrong people, competency.
  9. Competition price cutting
  10. Never any consistent income
  11. Salesman struggle to close
  12. Poor followup with leads/customers
  13. Accurate accounting / avoiding tax debt / no system in place

Your Biggest Fears...

  1. Can’t retire, will work until you die
  2. Can’t sell your business
  3. Never have consistent income
  4. Employees stealing customers/starting their own business
  5. Never being able to grow consistently and profitably.
  6. Have nothing to give to your children

What would it look like to...

  1. Never lack new business
  2. Make payroll effortlessly
  3. Be paid what your worth and be paid first
  4. Have the best employees at zero cost to you
  5. Scale your business on autopilot
  6. Worry free day to day operations
  7. Sell your service or product at incredible margins
  8. Be in total control of your schedule with as much free time as you want
  9. Crush your competition
  10. Retire on your terms
  11. Sell your business for monstrous profit

Your Greatest Desires...

 Be in total control of your schedule with as much free time as you want

Sell your service or product at incredible margins

Automate your business for growth(without you)

Work less make more $$$


Sell your business for massive profit


This is truly a life I thought I could never have in the construction industry. No matter where you are in your business right now, you need Sharpen the Spear Coaching. It’s been the best investment I have ever made!

Kristopher King – Modern Image Kitchen & Bath – SC